I’m a hobbyist programmer, so please don’t look up to my code. Instead, look down on it. You could probably learn a lot by picking out what’s wrong with it. Here’s a current list of all the projects that I’ve put up on GitHub. You’re welcome to clone into them and play around with them, but please give credit if you decide to use any of the code in your own projects.
I do Project Euler problems for fun sometimes, but I can’t (and won’t) share the solutions to any of them. I strongly encourage mathematicians to have a go at them; they’re a great way to hone practical problem-solving skills, and they come necessitate a good amount of basic theoretical knowledge.
This website counts as a project too — I’m hosting the website myself, and I designed and wrote the whole thing (with some help from Hugo).
I still have a few older projects that I haven’t migrated to my GitHub yet. I’ll fill that in when I get a chance.