Hunter Liu's Website

Math 131A (Winter 2025)

Instructor: Professor Changying Ding

Discussion Section Location: Public Affairs 2242
TA Office Hours: Fridays, 12:00 – 1:00 PM in MS 2961

You can find a course description through UCLA’s registrar. Official course materials are available on BruinLearn.

In calculus, we’re taught about a slurry of terms that have very intuitive meanings. There are continuous functions, there are limits, there are infinite series, etc., and each of them play an important role in the general theory of calculus. However intuitive these may be, describing these concepts with mathematical precision is quite difficult.

That’s the goal of this course: to provide the mathematically rigorous foundations for “real analysis”, a study of infinites and infinitesimals, starting with the real numbers and working our way up and out. Discussions will aim to provide examples, techniques, and practise with proofs and computations involving these concepts.

We’ll be using the textbook Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus by K. A. Ross (2nd edition), available for free to UCLA students. I’ll be uploading my discussion notes and additional resources to this page as we go, so don’t worry too much if you have to miss a discussion!

1. On Writing Proofs
2. The \(\sup\) and \(\inf\)
3. Sequences and Limits
4. Midterm 1 Review
5. Midterm 1 Review Solutions
6. \(\limsup\), \(\liminf\), and Cauchy sequences
7. Rearrangement of Series
8. Continuity