Hunter Liu's Website

Math 31B (Winter 2025)

Instructor: Professor Rana Badreddine

Discussion Section Location: Geology 6704
TA Office Hours: Thursdays 3:00 – 4:00 PM in MS 2961 or by appointment

You can find a course description through UCLA’s registrar. Official course materials are available on BruinLearn.

In a typical first quarter of calculus, you will have learned about derivatives and seen some applications. This quarter, our goal is to develop its counterpart, the integral, and see some of its applications. Our goal in discussion will be to get lots of practise with the mechanics of the integral, especially with setting them up and performing computations.

We’ll be using the book Calculus: Late Transcendentals Single Variable by Jon Rogawski, Colin Adams, and Robert Franzosa (4th edition). I’ll be uploading my discussion notes and additional materials to this page as well. There will be weekly worksheets in discussion to accompany this review; those are available on BruinLearn.

1. A Trip Down Memory Lane...
2. Exponents and Logarithms
3. Practise with Exponentials and Logarithms
4. Derivatives of Inverse Functions
5. Indeterminate Forms and L'Hôpital's Rule
6. Trigonometric Substitution
7. Integration by Parts