PIC 10A (Fall 2024)
Instructor: Professor Yulia Alexandr
Discussion Section Location: Dodd Hall 78
TA Office Hours: Fridays 4:00 – 5:30 PM in MS 2961 or by appointment.
You can find a course description through UCLA’s registrar. Official course materials are available on BruinLearn.
The primary goal of the discussion sections is to equip students with the tools and strategies they need to solve the homework problems. However, programming involves far more than just knowing how to type correct code; to that end, the following goals will be incorporated, but secondary to the above:
- being able to plan and design code, i.e. creating pseudocode;
- identifying logical errors within naïve but faulty algorithms;
- identifying syntactic errors by reading compilation messages; and
- writing code with thorough documentation and clean styling practises.
I taught this course a year ago, and you can still access past teaching materials. I will likely be reusing and adapting many parts of these resources. I’ll continue to make my discussion notes and additional resources available on this page.
- 1. Week 1 Tuesday: Errors
- 2. Week 1 Thursday: Integer Operations
- 3. Week 2 Tuesday: Working with Numbers
- 4. Week 2 Thursday: Increments, Decrements, and Strings
- 5. Week 3 Tuesday: The Input Buffer
- 6. Week 3 Thursday: Review and Practise
- 7. Week 4 Tuesday: Practise with If Statements
- 8. Week 4 Thursday: While Loops and For Loops
- 9. Week 5 Tuesday: Practise with Loops and Strings
- 10. Week 5 Thursday: More Practise with Loops
- 11. Week 6 Tuesday: Functions
- 12. Week 6 Thursday: Function Scope and Passing by Reference
- 13. Week 7 Tuesday: Vectors!
- 14. Week 7 Thursday: Midterm Practise
- 14.1. Some Midterm Practise Solutions
- 15. Week 8 Tuesday: Structs and Object-Oriented Programming
- 16. Week 8 Thursday: Practise with Structs
- 17. Week 9 Tuesday: Classes and the Private Keyword
- 18. Week 10 Tuesday: Practise with Classes and Pointers
- 19. Week 10 Thursday: Pointers and C-Style Arrays